Friday, January 16, 2009

Hurray & Thanks!!!!

Great news from New York - the stem cell has grafted 100%, and Nic's last Pet scan showed no sign of tumour. Thank God for this miracle.

We received great news about Nicolas' host/donor situation. He is "all donor", which means his bone marrow, which makes the blood, is 100% Sebastian's marrow. What this means is that there is no way that Nicolas will get GVHD (Graft vs, Host Disease). The bone marrow part of the operation has been a perfect success.

Obviously there are many steps more towards recovery and Nicolas is required to stay the course to get healthy. His recovery will take many months, and he is not out of the woods yet, so keep your positive thoughts coming (they've worked so far).

Thanks to everyone for all of the support - both emotional and financial. It means the world to us.

Thank you & Hurray!


  1. Hello Katrin,
    WOW, this is such wonderful news. Tell Nicolas we're sending him, and you, and Sebastian, and Sophie, and Sacha, and Bella, lots of positive thoughts from Calgary.
    Love, Virginia, Erik, Marie

  2. Fantastic - I'm sening you a good vibe right this minute.


  3. Wonderful news! We are so happy that things are going well - what an amazing miracle. Lots of love and good wishes for all of you from Scott, Julia and Alyssa.

  4. Rock on Nic! I have a surprise for you when you get back to Ottawa... something to do with music and someone you admire... that's all I'm gonna say! Hugs to all your family.

  5. I'm so happy to hear the good news. Wishing all the best for this new year and new life. Janet S.

  6. You guys are always in our thoughts.

    The gang from Maple.
    Uncle Ang, Julie, Chris and Madeleine

  7. Thanks for keeping up with our news, our family is blessed to have such a wonderful community of friends and family....your prayers and support have kept us strong. love from Kathrin

  8. Hello Katrin, you two looked super cool on New Year's Eve. May this year continue to be a fantastic one for all of you. Please send your phone number. Hamburg and France want to talk to you in person. We all send our LOVE
    Gesa and extended family
